The disease is characterized by bilateral pulmonary infiltrates and severe hypoxemia due to increased alveolar-capillary permeability.
It is characterized by the acute onset of diffuse, bilateral pulmonary infiltrates secondary to noncardiogenic pulmonary edema, refractory hypoxia, and decreased lung compliance
Abstract The acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is a heterogeneous group of illnesses affecting the pulmonary parenchyma with acute onset bilateral inflammatory pulmonary
Peripheral blood eosinophilia, multiple bilateral pulmonary infiltrates to the x-ray, multiple nodules with a surrounding ground-glass halo and peripheral predominance to
Chest radiograph showed bilateral pulmonary infiltrates. His physical deterioration progressed after cardiac recompensation.
Chest radiography and spiral chest computed tomography demonstrated bilateral patchy pulmonary infiltrates without evidence of pulmonary embolism.
Criterion C: Diffuse, bilateral pulmonary infiltrates on Chest X-ray (CXR) or Computerized Tomography (CT) of the chest.
The chest x-ray (Figure) showed bilateral pulmonary infiltrates of recent onset and fibrobronchoscopy showed an absence of endobronchial lesions; hemoglobin had decreased
A chest roentgenogram showed a recurrence of diffuse, hazy, bilateral pulmonary infiltrates that were similar to those seen earlier.
Varicella pneumonia results in bilateral pulmonary nodular infiltrations.
All patients had bilateral pulmonary infiltrates documented on chest radiographs.
pulmonary infiltrates and microbiological confirmation is not usually necessary in typical cases. 2,3 The most common radiological pattern observed is bilateral reticulonodular
pulmonary infiltration.
CXR showed a bilateral reticular infiltrate. Pulmonary function tests showed a mild restrictive defect with a CO-transfer factor 30% predicted.
Chest radiograph [Figure 1] demonstrated bilateral pulmonary infiltrates, more on the left lower zone and computed tomography (CT) of the thorax [Figure 2] showed multifocal
A 61-year-old woman who had undergone an operation for thymoma 17 years previously suddenly became dyspneic and showed bilateral pulmonary infiltrates on a chest radiograph
The most frequent radiological signs were bilateral pulmonary infiltrates. Six cases were complicated by hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis.
Figure 1 Figure 1: Chest radiograph and CT scan of chest showing bilateral fine nodular infiltrates The differential diagnosis included sirolimus pulmonary toxicity, viral
pulmonary infiltrates with hyperaeration.
pulmonary infiltrates, showing Pneumocistis jiroveci pneumonitis after recent hospitalisation due to graft pyelonephritis.
[…] were hospitalised at mean age of 5 days (range 1-20) and their illness was characterised by its afebrile course, presentation in crisis with severe respiratory distress, bilateral
A chest radiograph shows bilateral pulmonary infiltrates consistent with pulmonary edema and borderline enlargement of the cardiac silhouette.
In other words, neither ALI nor ARDS should be diagnosed until other causes of acute bilateral infiltrates, severe hypoxemia, and respiratory distress have been excluded.
Chest auscultation reveals rales and rhonchi bilaterally.
pulmonary infiltration, skin and ocular lesions.
Radiographic Stages of Pulmonary Sarcoidosis: STAGE< TAB> DESCRIPTION 0< TAB> Normal Chest Radiograph I< TAB> Bilateral Hilar Lymphadenopathy II< TAB> Pulmonary Infiltration
Sarcoidosis can affect all individuals with any race, sex, or age but commonly affects young- and middle-aged adults and usually presents with bilateral hilar lymphadenopathy
We report the case of a 23-year-old man clinically presented with fever, sweating, and physical intolerance, and bilateral pulmonary infiltrates of nodular type and destructive
Two months after treatment ended, the 7-year-old girl developed splenomegaly, cervical adenopathy, and bilateral interstitial pulmonary infiltrates.
pulmonary infiltrates or nodules are usually seen.
Several pulmonary complications are associated with the inhalation of crack cocaine (e.g., intensive cough, hemoptysis, shortness of breath, chest pain, acute bilateral pulmonary
They found "bilateral interstitial pulmonary infiltrates and hilar adenopathy, diffuse pulmonary uptake of gallium, and markedly elevated serum angiotensin-converting enzyme
infiltrates, thermal airway injury, pneumothorax and noncardiogenic pulmonary edema, production of carbonaceous sputum, and exacerbation of asthma) ( 9 ).
pulmonary infiltrates on chest x-ray).
On ICU day 5, she was weaned from vasopressor support, her chest x-ray showed decreasing bilateral pulmonary infiltrates, and she had a decreased FiO2 requirement with increasing
[…] demonstrated evidence of respiratory deterioration and hemodynamic instability and required escalating ventilator and vasopressor support on ICU day 2 (P/F ratio of 178, bilateral
A 52-year-old woman with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) developed weight loss, cough, and breathing difficulties, accompanied by extensive bilateral pulmonary infiltrates
A chest-X-ray showed pulmonary diffuse bilateral infiltrates.
Radiography may demonstrate bilateral diffuse infiltrative pulmonary lesions.
At the emergency room, oxygen saturation was 79% on room air Chest X-ray revealed bilateral diffuse pulmonary infiltrates.
The initial chest radiograph may be normal, but several days later, bilateral pulmonary infiltration indicating pulmonary edema develops (55).
pulmonary infiltrates on chest x-ray).
On ICU day 5, she was weaned from vasopressor support, her chest x-ray showed decreasing bilateral pulmonary infiltrates, and she had a decreased FiO2 requirement with increasing
[…] demonstrated evidence of respiratory deterioration and hemodynamic instability and required escalating ventilator and vasopressor support on ICU day 2 (P/F ratio of 178, bilateral
pulmonary infiltration in 83% vs. 72% (p = 0.09) outcomes sepsis in 100% vs. 42% respiratory failure in 98% vs. 36% acute respiratory distress syndrome in 93% vs. 7% septic
Subpleural lesions with localized inflammatory infiltration were found in all children (Figure 1A).
Chest imaging utilized includes chest radiograph, CT scan, or lung ultrasound demonstrating bilateral opacities (lung infiltrates > 50%), not fully explained by effusions,
AE was defined as RD with newly acquired bilateral pulmonary infiltrates without evidence of pulmonary infection or other known causes.
The second stage is bilateral hilar adenopathy with pulmonary infiltration. The third stage is pulmonary infiltration or fibrosis.
[…] hilar lymphadenopathy and pulmonary infiltration), biopsy evidence of noncaseating granulomas, and excludes other conditions that may have noncaseating granulomas on histology
Pulmonary infiltrates without BHL Stage IV Extensive pulmonary fibrosis 5.
Computed tomography (CT) angiography of the chest showed bilateral lower lobe infiltrates (Figure 2) but no pulmonary emboli.
When the infection progresses to involve the lower respiratory tract, atypical pneumonia with bilateral diffuse pulmonary infiltrates is most common.
Figure 1 Chest X‐ray with bilateral lower lobe infiltrates. Figure 2 CT angiogram demonstrating bilateral lower lobe infiltrates.
[…] alveolar infiltrates shortly following the exposure.
Fever, cough, and bilateral lung infiltrates. Achalasia associated with aspiration pneumonia. Chest. 2003 Feb. 123(2):608-12. [Medline].
Pulmonary function studies showed a volume-restrictive defect with severe hypoxemia, but an elevated diffusing capacity.
The two most common were bilateral perihilar infiltrates with clear lung bases and bilateral perihilar with basal infiltrates.
These included varying degrees of perihilar and lung infiltration, pulmonary cystic changes, pleural effusion, empyema, pneumomediastinum and surgical emphysema.
Figure 1 Chest x-ray showing centrally pronounced bilateral pulmonary infiltrates with ground-glass opacities.
Furthermore, the scans showed bilateral peribronchovascular alveolar shadows with groundglass-appearance.
He was eventually diagnosed with sarcoidosis based on bilateral lung infiltrates and granulomas in a transbronchial biopsy.
infiltrates not caused by cardiogenic pulmonary edema (18), use NiPPV with caution.
CASE SUMMARY: A 59-year-old man with a history of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) presented with dry cough, low-grade fever, and progressive dyspnea.
Chest X-ray revealed bilateral infiltrates. Endocrinological data revealed high concentrations of catecholamines.
This case indicates that pulmonary edema remains a potential complication of insulin overdose.
He developed progressive respiratory symptoms and bilateral pulmonary infiltrates during the second week of his illness.
Epler GRMark EJ A 65-year-old woman with bilateral pulmonary infiltrates. N Engl J Med. 1986;3141627- 1635 Google Scholar Crossref 55.
Pulmonary function studies demonstrate restrictive dysfunction and hypoxemia. The chest x-ray typically shows patchy, bilateral, ground glass or alveolar infiltrates.
Radiographic findings of boop The typical chest radiograph shows bilateral patchy (alveolar) infiltrates ( Figure 2 A).
We present the case of a 45-year-old male diagnosed to have carcinoma base of tongue, whose chest radiograph showed bilateral lung infiltrates and was referred for evaluation
[…] of suspected pulmonary metastases.
Plain radiograph nonspecific may show bilateral interstitial infiltrates 8 : they may have a greater predilection for the lower-lung zones and, sometimes, peripheral predominance
Pulmonary function tests Pulmonary restriction is usually absent or slight, although diffusion is impaired in most patients 9.
In this report, we describe a 27-yr-old dental student who was found to have bilateral basal pulmonary interstitial infiltrates and nodules on a chest roentgenogram after