A 4-year-old boy who is recovering from a minor respiratory infection suddenly develops petechiae and bruises on his trunk and extremities.
Larger than petechiae, ecchymoses are purple, blue or yellow-green areas of skin that vary in size and shape.
Findings on his physical examination are normal except for scattered crops of petechiae and multiple bruises. There is no active bleeding from the nose or other sites.
A term female infant presented with a large mass in the back, multiple petechiae over extremities, and shortness of breath.
Kasabach-Merritt syndrome (KMS) consists of large and rapidly growing vascular tumors associated with thrombocytopenia, generalized petechiae, and bleeding.
However, despite hematologic correction, the ecchymosis and petechiae worsened, and a mass became evident in the right posterior triangle of the patient's neck.
Chronic ITP patients may have no obvious petechiae.
Bruising and petechiae in isolation, without mucosal, gastrointestinal or renal tract bleeding. The child is otherwise well.
Most children present with mild bruising and petechiae, but approximately 3% present with more serious bleeding from the nose, mucosa or gastrointestinal tract [4].
Small red or purple spots composed of blood (petechiae) may cover the skin of the upper trunk.
Cutaneous manifestations include petechiae, Osler nodes, Janeway lesions, and splinter hemorrhages.
Chronic ITP patients may have no obvious petechiae.
Perform a thorough exam – check all lymph-node areas, look at mucosal surfaces for petechiae!
Petechiae (Hard Palate) Petechiae are characterized by small red spots as seen here on the palate of this patient. DR P.
Patients with chronic autoimmune thrombocytopenia typically present with petechiae and mucosa bleeding.
People may have tiny purple spots on their skin (petechiae) and bleed easily. Diagnosis is with blood tests to measure the number of platelets.
Many tiny red dots (petechiae) often appear in the skin on the lower legs, and minor injuries may cause black-and-blue bruises (ecchymoses or purpura).
Patients with this disorder typically present with palpable purpura or petechia associated with one or more of the following signs and symptoms: abdominal pain, arthritis/
Petechiae and purpura are later stages of the rash in Henoch-Schönlein purpura. Copyright © Logical Images Figure 1.
The rash then mature into multiple petechiae that eventually coalesce into purpura.
External links [ edit ] Look up petechia in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. Wikimedia Commons has media related to Petechiae .
Splinter hemorrhages and petechia aren't specific to infective endocarditis, while Osler's nodes, Roth spots, and Janeway lesions are usually indicative of the disease. 8
Signs and symptoms of IE include petechiae, anorexia, high fever, heart failure, cardiac murmur, Osler's nodes, Janeway lesions, Roth Spots, and splenomegaly.
A 71-year-old man presented with a high fever, polyarthralgia, petechiae and palpable purpura accompanied by livedoid change on his legs and feet.
Purpura, petechiae, or ulcers may develop. Diagnosis requires biopsy. Treatment depends on etiology and extent of disease.
Manifestations can include palpable purpura, petechiae, urticaria, ulcers, livedo reticularis, and nodules. Exclude other causes of vasculitis.
Heart murmur, petechiae, emboli phenomena. Blood culture is positive.
Petechiae These are small (1-2mm) purple spots, caused by a minute haemorrhage. They can be caused by loads of things.
Emboli may also cause petechiae, tiny purple or red spots on the skin, resulting from hemorrhages under the skin's surface.
SBE manifests many skin findings including petechiae, splinter hemorrhages of the nails, Osler's and laneway lesions, clubbing of the fingers, and findings suggestive of angiitis
Classical lesions associated with subacute bacterial endocarditis include petechiae, splinter hemorrhages, Osler's modes and Janaway lesions.
Heart murmur, petechiae, emboli phenomena. Blood culture is positive.
Roth spots are petechiae of the retina with a white or pale center that corresponds to a bundle of cotton wool or a multinuclear leukocyte aggregate.
Heart murmur, petechiae, emboli phenomena. Blood culture is positive.
Petechiae These are small (1-2mm) purple spots, caused by a minute haemorrhage. They can be caused by loads of things.
In adolescent and adult patients presenting with sore throat, the presence of posterior cervical, inguinal or axillary adenopathy, palatine petechiae, splenomegaly, or atypical
Conclusions and Relevance In adolescent and adult patients presenting with sore throat, the presence of posterior cervical, inguinal or axillary adenopathy, palatine petechiae
Infectious mononucleosis should be suspected in patients 10 to 30 years of age who present with sore throat and significant fatigue, palatal petechiae, posterior cervical
Physical examination may reveal petechiae, ecchymosis, gangrene, mental disorientation, hypoxia, hypotension, and GI bleeding.
Petechiae are small red or purple dots on your skin. Purpura and Petechiae The photograph shows purpura (bruises) and petechiae (red and purple dots) on the skin.
Clinical Symptoms These are noted due to spontaneous primary bleeding, including petechiae, ecchymoses, mucosal bleeding or secondary bleeding into body cavities e.g. haemoabdomen
These were petechiae/purpura (category derived from ‘petechiae’, ‘purpura’ and ‘petechiae/purpura’), mucosal bleeding (including ‘mucosal bleeding’ and ‘bleeding gums’), anorexia
We sometimes see what we call petechiae, which is just a medical word for small red dot under the skin.
Petechiae (small red spots under the skin caused by bleeding) iStock/lzf Dr. Crilley describes petechiae as “like someone painted little red dots with a pen.”
The clinical history of Glanzmann thrombasthenia may include the following: Excessive bleeding after dental extraction (this may often be the first sign of the disease) Petechiae
On physical exam, his extremities are spotted with petechiae and purpura. Suspicious of a congenital bleeding disorder, the pediatrician orders labs.
[…] and ecchymoses (although spontaneous petechiae are uncommon) Gingival bleeding (which is worse with poor dental hygiene) Hemarthroses (rare) Family history of a bleeding
Symptoms result from anemia, thrombocytopenia (petechiae, bleeding), or leukopenia (infections).
In aplastic anemia, anemia may cause weakness and easy fatigability while severe thrombocytopenia may cause petechiae, ecchymosis, and bleeding from the gums, into the conjunctivae
Meningococcal infection should be considered in patients who have fever along with skin rash or petechiae even when there are no signs of meningitis.
Petechiae are the most common cutaneous sign, seen in one-third to one-half of affected patients.
One to two millimeter petechiae can be seen on the lower extremities, palpebral surfaces, and at areas of pressure on the skin.
Blood spots under the skin may be either purpura or petechiae. CD36 deficiency may be a cause of post transfusion purpura.
[…] hyperglobulinemic purpura Other names Purpura hyperglobulinemica Specialty Dermatology Waldenström hyperglobulinemic purpura is a skin condition that presents with episodic showers of petechiae
Rumpel-Leede sign: distal shower of petechiae that occurs immediately after the release of pressure from a tourniquet release. Associated with capillary fragility.
These were petechiae/purpura (category derived from ‘petechiae’, ‘purpura’ and ‘petechiae/purpura’), mucosal bleeding (including ‘mucosal bleeding’ and ‘bleeding gums’), anorexia
Symptoms of ALL include: Frequent infections Fever Easy bruising Bleeding that is hard to stop Flat, dark-red skin spots (petechiae) due to bleeding under the skin Pain in
[…] a single category, ‘petechiae/purpura’).
Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome (WAS) is a rare immunodeficiency disease with a characteristic phenotype that includes: X-linked recessive petechiae, bloody diarrhea, epistaxis due
Associations splenic hamartoma infantile cortical hyperostosis 3 It has a characteristic phenotype that includes: petechiae, bloody diarrhea and epistaxis due to thrombocytopenia
Thrasher; used with consent given by parents History & Exam Key Factors FHx of WAS easy bruising and petechiae Other Factors serious bleeding recurrent infections serious/
Patients develop purpura and petechiae and can display alterations of PT and PTT, further suggesting DIC with this syndrome.
When a patient presents with fever and petechiae, WFS must be considered, even when the patient has a non-toxic appearance.
We underline that when a patient presents fever and petechiae (50-60% of patients), WFS must be considered, even when the patient has a non-toxic appearance.
Two petechiae were evident on the left arm and a single petechia in the right axilla.
Abstract Cerebral fat embolism (CFE) causes microinfarcts, vasogenic edema, and petechiae in the brain.
Conventional magnetic resonance imaging has been reported to effectively visualize microinfarcts and vasogenic edema in CFE, but not petechiae.
Thrombocytopenia manifests itself as bleeding, bruising and, in severe cases, petechiae.
[…] weak or tired Fever Loss of appetite and weight loss Paleness Pain or feeling of fullness below the ribs from an enlarged liver or spleen Pinpoint red spots on the skin (petechiae
Bone marrow failure manifests as signs of anemia (tiredness, paleness), thrombocytopenia (bruising, bleeding or petechiae) or neutropenia (fever and infection).
If thrombocytopenia is present, patients may notice petechiae, bruising, nosebleeds or bleeding from gums after brushing teeth.
BACKGROUND: Relatively minor bleeding (e.g., bruising and/or petechiae) may cause patient distress.
Petechiae, ecchymoses, and nose and gum bleeding are common manifestations of a low platelet count.
The petechiae may give way to larger rashes called ecchymoses, and other haemorrhagic phenomena.
Red eyes, a flushed face, a red throat, and petechiae (red spots) on the palate are common.
• Severe multisystem syndrome• Damage to overall vascular system• Symptoms often accompanied by hemorrhage• Rarely life threatening in itself• Includes conjunctivitis, petechia
You might have: Fatigue Fever Weight loss or loss of appetite Headaches Unusual bleeding or bruising Tiny red spots on your skin (petechiae) Swollen gums Swollen liver or
[…] bleeding and easy bruising caused by a very low platelet count called thrombocytopenia, which may also include the appearance of pinhead-size red spots on the skin called petechiae
[…] fatigue, paleness, shortness of breath and palpitations.[7] A lack of platelets can lead to easy bruising, bleeding from the nose (epistaxis), small blood vessels on the skin (petechiae
[…] very tired and weak swollen gums swollen lymph glands (or nodes) infections (like bronchitis or tonsillitis ) that keep coming back a fever night sweats easy bruising or petechiae
[…] infection because there are a decreased number of healthy white blood cells, known as neutropenia Bruising or bleeding from decreased platelets, known as thrombocytopenia Petechiae
Pediatric scurvy is a rare condition characterized by perifollicular petechiae and bruising, hemorrhagic gingivitis and musculoskeletal symptoms, all assumed to be predominantly
[…] report the case of a 50-year-old alcoholic man with chronic hepatitis C virus infection, who presented to the emergency department with fever and exuberant ecchymoses and petechiae
The body is both wasted and edematous, and petechiae and ecchymoses are commonly present.
The patients sought treatment for fever, gingivorrhagia, petechiae, nausea, hematemesis, melena and tremors; clinical laboratory examinations showed thrombocytopenia ( 3 )
On first examination at the Hospital Santa Maria Magdalena, the patient had fever, tremor, gingivorrhagia, petechiae, bruises, asthenia, and anorexia and was admitted with
When first seen by the attending physicians, he had fever, thrombocytopenia, leukopenia, petechias, tremors, gingivorrhagia, and dehydration, consistent with symptoms of BHF