Possible Causes for Tonsillar Swelling Scarlet Fever Furthermore, although there was presence of tonsillar swelling in 93% of the episodes (95% CI: 89–97%), tonsillar exudate was just appreciated in 24% (95% CI: 17–31%). [elsevier.es] […] exudate or swelling Age less than 15 (a point is subtracted if age >44) A score of one may indicate no treatment or culture is needed or it may indicate the need to perform [en.wikipedia.org] The presence or absence of the following were secondary variables: fever, cough, coryza symptoms, swollen tender anterior cervical nodes, tonsillar swelling, tonsillar exudate [elsevier.es] Acute Laryngitis […] exudate or swelling Age less than 15 (a point is subtracted if age >44) A score of one may indicate no treatment or culture is needed or it may indicate the need to perform [en.wikipedia.org] […] streptococcal infection.[10] One point is given for each of the criteria:[10] Absence of a cough Swollen and tender cervical lymph nodes Temperature >38.0 °C (100.4 °F) Tonsillar [en.wikipedia.org] Mucopolysaccharidosis Type 1 H Diese Präsentation wurde erfolgreich gemeldet. Nächste SlideShare Wird geladen in […] 5 × ... Veröffentlicht am 8. Okt. 2008 0 Kommentare 5 Gefällt mir Statistik Notizen Aufrufe Aufrufe insgesamt 3.212 Auf SlideShare 0 Aus Einbettungen 0 Anzahl an Einbettungen 6 Aktionen Geteilt 0 Downloads 85 Kommentare 0 Gefällt mir[…] [de.slideshare.net] Tonsillar Abscess Dental abscess – not typically associated with tonsillar swelling Malignancy (particularly primary tonsillar carcinomas, lymphomas, oropharyngeal carcinomas) – requires a [visualdx.com] Go back Go forward Chapter: Neuro ( Read entire chapter ) Subchapter: Neck Diagnosis: Tonsillar abscess There is an about 4.4 x 3.1 x 3.6 cm tonsillar soft tissue swelling [oncallradiology.com] swelling, trismus PTA - if no response Differential Diagnoses Epiglottitis Retropharyngeal abscess or cellulitis Parapharyngeal abscess Severe tonsillopharyngitis Mononucleosis [fprmed.com] Pharyngitis due to Group A Beta-Hemolytic Streptococcus In model II, three independent variables were identified: moderate to severe tonsillar swelling, moderate to severe tenderness and enlargement of cervical lymph nodes, and [ncbi.nlm.nih.gov] Description of prediction guide During the clinical evaluation, the examining physician recorded 4 variables from the tested model: cervical lymphadenopathy, tonsillar swelling [acpjc.org] […] exudate or swelling Age less than 15 (a point is subtracted if age >44) A score of one may indicate no treatment or culture is needed or it may indicate the need to perform [en.wikipedia.org] Peritonsillar Abscess Dental abscess – not typically associated with tonsillar swelling Malignancy (particularly primary tonsillar carcinomas, lymphomas, oropharyngeal carcinomas) – requires a [visualdx.com] It is features such as trismus, a “hot potato” voice, greater tonsillar swelling on one side and deviation of the uvula, which are the main signs that differentiate a quinsy [healthhype.com] […] biopsy to make a definitive diagnosis Epiglottitis – not typically associated with tonsillar swelling Diphtheria – look for the classic membrane associated with this infection [visualdx.com] Streptococcal Pharyngitis Tonsillar swelling, tonsillar exudates, tender or enlarged anterior cervical lymph nodes, absence of cough and absence of rhinorrhea were associated with positive cultures [ncbi.nlm.nih.gov] The 5 most frequent predictors used were tenderness of lymph nodes, fever, age, tonsillar swelling and exudate. [doi.org] People with mononucleosis often feel extremely tired and have many swollen lymph nodes, and their increasing tonsillar swelling may begin to block air when a person breathes [merckmanuals.com] Tonsillar Lymphoepithelioma We describe the case of an Italian, Caucasian nine-year-old girl, suffering from a unilateral tonsillar swelling. [pediatrics.imedpub.com] How To Bring Down Swelling In Sore Throat Tonsillar Lymphoepithelioma james Mitchell (December 24. morning or after a meal) persistent dry cough sore throats not associated [elmemesser.eu] Large swelling, left soft palate and tonsillar area Can you make the correct diagnosis? [dental.washington.edu] Viral Pharyngitis […] exudate or swelling Age less than 15 (a point is subtracted if age is more than 44) The Infectious Disease Society of America recommends against empirical treatment and considers [en.wikipedia.org] […] streptococcal infection. [17] One point is given for each of the criteria: [17] Absence of a cough Swollen and tender cervical lymph nodes Temperature more than 38.0 °C (100.4 °F) Tonsillar [en.wikipedia.org] Pharyngitis GABHS is the most common bacterial cause of pharyngitis. 16 – 18 GABHS Infection Symptoms of strep throat may include pharyngeal erythema and swelling, tonsillar exudate, [aafp.org] (subjective or measured in office) 1 Absence of cough 1 Tender anterior cervical adenopathy 1 Tonsillar swelling or exudates 1 Age Younger than 15 years +1 15 to 45 years [aafp.org] swelling or exudates 1 Age Younger than 15 years +1 15 to 45 years 0 Older than 45 years –1 TABLE 2 Streptococcal Score Validated in Adults and Children Symptom Points Fever [aafp.org] Nasal Ganglioglioma There was no herpes or ulcers, tonsillar swelling, or purulent coating. [frontiersin.org] Tonsillitis […] erythema or swelling or exudate No cough or conjunctivitis or rhinorrhoea 2–16 365 22 93 75 Attia † (2001) 20 Tonsillar swelling Tender and enlarged cervical lymph nodes [mja.com.au] […] likely prescribe IV fluids and calories to tide you by, until the corticosteroid and pain medications can take effect and decrease the pain and swelling in your tonsillar [wikihow.com] […] exudate or enlarged anterior cervical lymph nodes 2–13 451 84 40 30 McIsaac † (1998) 18 Tender and enlarged anterior cervical lymph nodes Tonsillar swelling or exudate Temperature [mja.com.au] Gonococcal Pharyngitis GABHS is the most common bacterial cause of pharyngitis. 16 – 18 GABHS Infection Symptoms of strep throat may include pharyngeal erythema and swelling, tonsillar exudate, [aafp.org] Swelling Unilateral tonsillar or soft palate – consider peritonsillar abscess Floor of mouth – consider Ludwig’s angina Generalized – Including tongue and lips, consider angioedema [cdemcurriculum.com] Delayed reactions include serum sickness (fever weakness rash swelling and/or. You had a sore throat initially but this has now settled. [pareja-ideal.eu] Pharyngeal Disease GABHS is the most common bacterial cause of pharyngitis. 16 – 18 GABHS Infection Symptoms of strep throat may include pharyngeal erythema and swelling, tonsillar exudate, [aafp.org] […] exudate or swelling Age less than 15 (a point is subtracted if age is more than 44)The Infectious Disease Society of America recommends against empirical treatment and considers [en.wikipedia.org] When the practitioner examines the patient’s mouth, unilateral edema and swelling of the anterior tonsillar pillar and soft palate will be present. [ahcmedia.com] Chronic Pharyngitis […] exudate or swelling Age less than 15 (a point is subtracted if age is more than 44) The Infectious Disease Society of America recommends against empirical treatment and considers [en.wikipedia.org] […] streptococcal infection. [17] One point is given for each of the criteria: [17] Absence of a cough Swollen and tender cervical lymph nodes Temperature more than 38.0 °C (100.4 °F) Tonsillar [en.wikipedia.org] Chronic Tonsillitis […] erythema or swelling or exudate No cough or conjunctivitis or rhinorrhoea 2–16 365 22 93 75 Attia † (2001) 20 Tonsillar swelling Tender and enlarged cervical lymph nodes [web.archive.org] Physical signs of a peritonsillar abscess include redness and swelling in the tonsillar area of the affected side and swelling of the jugulodigastric lymph nodes. [en.wikipedia.org] […] exudate or enlarged anterior cervical lymph nodes 2–13 451 84 40 30 McIsaac † (1998) 18 Tender and enlarged anterior cervical lymph nodes Tonsillar swelling or exudate Temperature [web.archive.org] Acute Catarrhal Tonsillitis Physical signs of a peritonsillar abscess include redness and swelling in the tonsillar area of the affected side and swelling of the jugulodigastric lymph nodes. [en.wikipedia.org] Your health-care professional will pay special attention to the following findings: Signs of throat infection (redness, swelling, tonsillar exudate, enlarged lymph nodes in [emedicinehealth.com] […] exudate or swelling Age less than 15 (a point is subtracted if age is more than 44) The Infectious Disease Society of America recommends against empirical treatment and considers [en.wikipedia.org] Malignant Lymphoma of the Testis These lymphomas occur predominantly in elderly males and present themselves as a tonsillar swelling, cervical lymphadenopathy, dysphagia, odynophagia or sore throat. [ijcasereportsandimages.com] Parapharyngeal Abscess swelling behind the angle of jaw. [earnosethroatclinic.blogspot.com] Anterior Compartment:- Prolapse of tonsil and tonsillar fossa. Trismus(due to spasm of medial pterygoid). External swelling behind the angle of jaw associated with marked [slideshare.net] […] of the parotid area; trismus; tonsil prolapse/tonsillar fossa Posterior compartment: septicemia; minimal pain or trismus Carotid erosion; airway obstruction; intracranium [tonsilitisunderstood.blogspot.com] Tonsillar Hypertrophy Physical examination reveals pharyngeal swelling, tonsillar erythema and exudates, and tender anterior cervical lymphadenopathy. [aafp.org] Bad Breath Tonsillar hypertrophy caused by infection can result in cases of bad breath. 5. [doctorshealthpress.com] […] airway as a result of mucosal swelling and edema. [ncbi.nlm.nih.gov] Transient Sarcoidosis Head and neck Check for lymphadenopathy, salivary gland swelling, tonsillar enlargement/inflammation and patency/abnormality of nasal passages if there are any relevant symptoms [patient.info] Salivary glands (causing facial swelling and pain and other symptoms of parotitis). [patient.info] Upper respiratory tract (causing nosebleeds, rhinitis, nasal obstruction/masses or tonsillar involvement). [patient.info] Uvulitis think CT scan Peritonsillar abscess – tonsillar swelling, deviated uvula, fever, sore throat, trismus, hot potato voice (only 1 case of uvulitis w/PTA has been reported) [nuemblog.com] Retropharyngeal abscesses or cellulitis – midline or unilateral swelling of posterior oropharynx, stridor tachypnea, won’t extend the neck, fever, intense pain with swallowing [nuemblog.com] Tangier Disease A 31-year-old Japanese woman had an extremely low level of HDL-C (1mg/dl) and yellowish tonsillar swelling, leading to the diagnosis of TD. [ncbi.nlm.nih.gov] Retropharyngeal Abscess swelling, oropharyngeal swelling, and lymphadenopathy. [online.epocrates.com] […] of the parotid area; trismus; tonsil prolapse/tonsillar fossa Posterior compartment: septicemia; minimal pain or trismus Carotid erosion; airway obstruction; intracranium [tonsilitisunderstood.blogspot.com] […] clinical course to present with airway obstruction or multiple abscesses. [15] Physical examination An attempt should be made to examine the oral cavity and neck to look for tonsillar [online.epocrates.com] Gianotti-Crosti Syndrome swelling. [symptoma.com] Other physical findings on examination may include fever (27%), lymphadenopathy (31%), hepatosplenomegaly (4%), and oropharyngeal vesicles or ulcers, pharyngeal erythema, or tonsillar [symptoma.com] Brain Stem Herniation The fourth main type of brain herniation is known as the tonsillar herniation and involves the cerebellum. [healthhype.com] subfalcine herniation transalar herniation : ascending and descending transtentorial herniation downward: uncal herniation upward: ascending transtentorial herniation* tonsillar [radiopaedia.org] Swelling or bleeding within the cerebellum pushes the cerebellar tonsils downwards into the foramen magnum. [healthhype.com] Chondritis of the External Ear Teeth tender to percussion Caries and abscess most common Pharyngitis or tonsillitis 4 Often accompanied by sore throat Pharyngeal or tonsillar erythema Swelling Exudate [aafp.org] […] causes (e.g., caries, periodontal abscess, impacted third molars, pulpitis) 6 May have dental complaints or history of dental disorders Caries Abscess Gingivitis Facial swelling [aafp.org] Acute Glomerulonephritis swelling or exudates - 1 point Age between 3 and 14 years - 1 point Age 15-44 years is assigned no points, and age older than or equal to 44 years garners -1 point. [emedicine.medscape.com] The McIsaac score gives 1 point each to the following criteria: Temperature >38°C, no cough, tender anterior cervical adenopathy, tonsillar swelling or exudates, and age between [jasn.asnjournals.org] […] the McIsaac score, showing each criterion and its corresponding score: Temperature higher than 38 º C and no cough - 1 point Tender anterior cervical adenopathy - 1 point Tonsillar [emedicine.medscape.com] Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis Despite normal initial cranial computed tomographic scan, diffuse swelling of the cerebellum with downward tonsillar herniation ensued. [ncbi.nlm.nih.gov] Brain MRI showed marked diffuse cerebellar swelling and obstructive hydrocephalus with mild tonsillar herniation. [ncbi.nlm.nih.gov] Septic Embolus Mild rubefaction of the pharynx was observed, but tonsillar swelling and excessive tongue fur were not observed. [bmcresnotes.biomedcentral.com]