Episcleritis presents with the following signs and symptoms:
- Watery eyes
- Inflammation and irritation
- Redness
- Pain with or without burning sensation
- Development of bloodshot in the white area of the eyes
- Development of pink to purplish color in the white area of the eyes
A thorough physical examination of the eye to study the signs and symptoms of episcleritis will be done. Physical examination will be enough to diagnose the condition. However, if the condition keeps recurring after intermittent intervals then blood test would be required to diagnose the presence of any underlying disease condition. Apart from these, no specialized tests are necessary to diagnose episcleritis.
In majority of the cases, episcleritis gets resolved on its own and does not require any specialized treatment plan. However, if the inflammation is severe and the patient is in great discomfort then certain eye drops may be administered to provide quick relief.
The goal of pharmacotherapy in the treatment of episcleritis is to reduce relative morbidity and avert complications [8]. Generally corticosteroid eye drops that act as artificial tears are prescribed for relieving the signs and symptoms of episcleritis [9]. The use of oral cyclooxygenase inhibitors has been found to effectively reduce signs of inflammation in episcleritis [10].
For patients with nodular episcleritis, a more rigorous treatment regime may be required due to development of severe signs and symptoms. Non–steroidal anti–inflammatory drugs are useful in relieving symptoms of nodular episcleritis.
In patients with underlying disease conditions, treatment is also initiated to keep the disease condition under control. This would help to prevent recurrent bouts of episcleritis.
The prognosis of the disease condition is favorable and symptoms often fade away by themselves without any treatment [6]. However, with treatment symptoms resolve sooner and patients can recover faster.
Episcleritis is not a life threatening condition and gets better without any treatment regime. However, in rare cases the condition can give rise to some kind of complications. Current literature has suggested that episcleritis can give rise to scleritis which is characterized by inflammation and irritation accompanied by redness of the sclera of the eyes.
Complications can develop in those individuals who have suffered from recurrent attacks of episcleritis and had to resort to steroid treatment for several years. In such cases, the following secondary complications can develop:
- Cataract
- Anterior uveitis [7]
- Ocular hypertension
- Rebound inflammation as a result of withdrawal effects of steroid drugs.
- Steroid–induced glaucoma
The exact cause that triggers inflammation and redness of the episclera region of the eyes is yet to be known. However, in many cases it is thought to occur as a secondary complication to many disease conditions [3]. Episcleritis occurs in association with the following medical conditions:
- Tuberculosis
- Herpes zoster
- Syphilis
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Sjogren syndrome
- Menstruation [4]
- Infectious conditions such as Lyme disease, shingles or syphilis
- Inflammatory bowel diseases
- Gout
- Ankylosing spondylitis
Episcleritis is an inflammatory disease of the eyes, more commonly affecting the young and middle aged population. It has been estimated that about 70% of women are affected with this condition [5]. The exact prevalence rate of this disease is not available as most of the patients do not seek any medical help.
Episcleritis is of two types: Simple and nodular. Simple episcleritis is more common that nodular and is less severe and painful. The following are the characteristics of simple episcleritis:
- Recurrent intermittent bouts that occur at every 1 – 3 months intervals. The condition lasts for as long as 7 to 10 days.
- Patients who suffer from simple episcleritis as a secondary result to other underlying condition, often experience more severe symptoms and the condition takes more than normal time to heal.
- When episcleritis occurs spontaneously and not as a result of any underlying condition then hormonal changes and stress are known to trigger the development of this eye disease.
Nodular episcleritis is a more severe form than the former type. The attacks are more painful, severe and last longer. Individuals with nodular episcleritis always have an underlying systemic disease which is the major causative factor.
So far no guidelines have been given for preventing the onset of episcleritis. The onset of complications can be prevented by timely treatment of the condition and also by proper management of the underlying disease conditions.
Episcleritis is a condition characterized by inflammation and redness of the episclera. The episclera is a thin tissue layer situated between the conjunctiva and sclera [1]. The redness and inflammation of the eyes mimic the signs and symptoms of conjunctivitis; however, in episcleritis there is no discharge from the eyes. It is a common condition affecting several individuals across the globe. The cause of such a condition is not known in many cases.
Episcleritis is a mild condition and often usually resolves by itself requiring no rigorous treatment regime [2]. Women are more affected than men and it strikes both middle aged and young individuals.
Patient Information
Episcleritis presents with redness and inflammation of the episclera region of the eyes. Infection is not the cause of episcleritis and the condition either occurs spontaneously or due to certain underlying conditions. Middle aged women are at an increased risk of contracting this disease condition.
The exact cause that triggers the development of episcleritis is unknown. However, individuals with disease such as herpes zoster, tuberculosis, rheumatoid arthritis, syphilis and Sjogren syndrome are known to develop this eye condition.
Symptoms of episcleritis include inflammation and redness in the eyes, irritation, pain, eye tenderness and sensitivity to light. Certain individuals may also develop a pink to purplish color in the white region of the eye. Development of blood shot in the eyes and watery eyes are some of the other symptoms of episcleritis.
A thorough examination of the eyes is the only diagnosis that is available for detecting episcleritis. Individuals, who have recurrent attacks of this condition, are taken for a blood test to analyze the underlying cause.
Majority of the cases of episcleritis usually go away without any treatment. However, with corticosteroid eye drops symptoms resolve faster and patients recover quickly. Individuals, who frequently fall prey to recurrent bouts of episcleritis, are put on NSAIDs for faster relief from the symptoms.
- Watson PG, Hazelman BL. The Sclera and Systemic Disorders. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 1976.
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